Tag Archives: productivity

Cross-platform browser keyboard shortcuts

As of recently I began working on a Mac-book pro and I have to get used to a keyboard with different keys and different layout. One of the most used piece of software today is a browser. I routinely use Opera but there are still sites that don’t work well with it, although it uses pretty much the same rendering engine like Chrome.

I suspect these issues arise from the fact that Chrome tends to become the new IE 6 for many web developers (i.e. : write a page, test it in Chrome, it works, the rest of browsers doesn’t matter to me, continue to next page etc.).

I consider, just like Scott Hanselman, that using the keyboard is the most efficient way to command a computer (and not the mouse / touchpad) therefore I strive to use it to the max. However, switching from OS X to the Windows virtual machine back and forth can be confusing since there are different shortcuts. For example F5 in Windows refreshes the window while in OS X it doesn’t (be it because by default you have to press Fn and then F5 in order to send F5 otherwise a media function will be sent or because this key does not do this function).

Therefore I gathered a few useful shortcut keys that work in both Windows and OS X so I can use them. Many of them work across all major browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari). Use Command (Cmd) key in OS X and Control (Ctrl) in Windows. I’ll include only the secondary key(s) in the table below since the primary key should be held down. I am planning to update this table several times.

Function Second key Internet Explorer Opera for Windows Opera for Mac Chrome for Windows Chrome for Mac
Quit (Close) app Q  x
Close tab (window) W  ✓
Refresh tab R  ✓
Open a new tab T  ✓
Open last closed tab SHIFT-T  ✓
View source U  ✓  x
Print page P  ✓
Select all page content A  ✓
Save current page to computer S  ✓
Add to favorites / bookmark D  ✓
Find in page F  ✓
Find again G  ✓
Show history H  ✓  x
View downloads J  ✓  x
Focus the address bar L  ✓
Undo Z  ✓
Cut X  ✓
Copy C  ✓
Paste V  ✓
Open a new window N  ✓
Open a new private window SHIFT-N  ✓

✓ = available
x = unavailable
[white_space] = not yet verified

(work in progress)

Dear readers, what other useful shortcuts is this table missing?

ReSharper hidden features – Generate Delegating Members

A frequently-used design pattern is the Decorator. This is also known as a mixin (or they might not be the very same thing but certainly they are related).

Typically you might need to create a class that implements a certain interface and uses another class that implements that exact interface but you need to provide some additional feature(s). An example would be a class that adds transactional behavior to an existing data-access class (a naive example) :

public interface IDataAccess
    void AddCustomerInvoice(Invoice invoice, User user);

public class DataAccess : IDataAccess
    public void AddCustomerInvoice(Invoice invoice, User user)
        InsertInvoice(invoice, user);
        UpdateCustomerDebt(user, invoice.Total);

    // ... the rest of the implementation

public class TransactionalDataAccess : IDataAccess
    private readonly IDataAccess _dataAccess;

    public TransactionalDataAccess(IDataAccess dataAccess)
        if (dataAccess == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException();
        _dataAccess = dataAccess;

    public void AddCustomerInvoice(Invoice invoice, User user)
         using(var tx = new TransactionScope())
             _dataAccess.AddCustomerInvoice(invoice, user);

    // ... the rest of the implementation

Another type of example would be the Adapter design pattern. An example would be providing access to a (static) class (that may be out of your control) in a mock-able manner. That is, implement another class, non-static, which implements a defined interface and eases unit-testing :

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