Monthly Archives: August 2012

CallerMemberName – an easier way to do INotifyPropertyChanged AND MORE

In WPF, when applying the MVVM (an arhitectural pattern) we often need to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged on certain classes (ViewModel classes), which means something like this :

public class PersonViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
    private string _name;
    public string Name
        get { return _name; }
            if (_name == value) return;
            _name = value;

    private void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
        var evt = PropertyChanged;
        if (evt != null) evt(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

In case you’re wondering why I copied the PropertyChanged value to the local variable called “evt” and then tested it for null is that you can have race conditions, in general, triggering events (i.e.: you test the attribute value, it is not null and before you trigger it some other thread sets it to null and bang, NullReferenceException when you trigger it). More details on this CodeProject.

The next step is to pull the NotifyPropertyChanged method and PropertyChanged event into a base class (let’s call it ViewModelBase) and you’ve eliminated redundancy between several ViewModel classes.

The not-so-nice part is having the call to NotifyPropertyChanged stringly-typed. That means that if later you rename (via Visual Studio or ReSharper) the Name property to “FullName” the call will still pass “Name” as the argument.

Some blog posts around the web show how you can use a Func to make it type-safe (refactor safe etc).

More or less they’re doing the same thing :

public abstract class ViewModelBase : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

    protected void NotifyPropertyChanged(Expression<Func<object>> propertyAccessor)
        var evt = PropertyChanged;
        if (evt == null) return;
        var propertyName = propertyAccessor.GetName();
        evt(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));        

public static class Utils
    public static string GetName(this LambdaExpression expression)
        MemberExpression memberExpression;
        if (expression.Body is UnaryExpression)
            var unaryExpression = (UnaryExpression)expression.Body;
            memberExpression = (MemberExpression)unaryExpression.Operand;
        else if (expression.Body is MemberExpression)
            memberExpression = (MemberExpression)expression.Body;
            return null;
        return memberExpression.Member.Name;

This is definitely nicer, not-redundant and type-safe. It does have the drawback of having some runtime performance penalty associated with the reflection of the expression. You could cache the property name string in a private field but then you’d have to write more code in the ViewModel classes which would… suck. In practice this performance penalty is negligible so you can just ignore this.

Then came .NET 4.5 and among other improvements a new mechanism has been introduced : CallerMemberName.

Historically some folks tried to get programatically the name of the caller method by inspecting the StackTrace (for example using System.Environment.StackTrace) but this is prone to errors since in Release mode the compiler could eliminate some methods by inlining them and you’ll be screwed. Plus the penalty would be higher than reflecting an expression.

The new mechanism in .NET 4.5 is type-safe, has no runtime performance penalty and it’s more elegant. Here’s how you can use it :

public abstract class ViewModelBase : INotifyPropertyChanged
    protected void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
        var deleg = PropertyChanged;
        if (deleg != null)
            deleg(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

public class PersonViewModel : ViewModelBase
    private string _name;
    public string Name
        get { return _name; }
            if (_name == value) return;
            _name = value;

I’ve recently built a very small GuidGen utility (which as the name implies generates GUIDs, copies it in the Windows Clipboard and stores a history of past generated GUIDs). You can browse some of the code and check out the project.

Much nicer, isn’t it?

Funny thing, this new mechanism can be used for non-UI tasks. For example if you have a project that uses and RDBMS and you use stored procedures. Let’s say you have one method in a repository class for each stored procedure, and even more, the method’s name matches the stored procedure’s name :

public VerificationResult VerifyUser(VerificationData verificationData)
    if (EmailValidator.IsEmailInvalid(verificationData.EmailAddress)) throw new FormatException("emailAddress");

    var result = CreateNewCommand("VerifyUser").GetEnumResult<VerificationFailReason>(
        CreateUniqueIdentifierParam("@VerificationCode", verificationData.VerificationCode));

    return new VerificationResult(result);

Observe on line 5 how the call to CreateNewCommand passes a string which matches the current method’s name. This can also be simplified (and become refactor-safe) using the new CallerMemberName mechanism.

So you can’t really say that CallerMemberName is useful only for UI tasks 🙂

OUTPUT clause in UPDATE statements

Sometimes you need to update data in a table and then update data in another table but based on a filter condition found from the first table. Specifically have you had to do this in the past?

-- ...

SET    Verified     = 1
FROM   Logins
WHERE  EmailAddress = @EmailAddress


       @UserId = UserId
FROM   Logins
WHERE  EmailAddress = @EmailAddress

SET     State = 2 -- Verified
WHERE   Id = @UserId

-- ...

This is not only inefficient (from an execution plan perspective) but also prone to race conditions and requires more code. The simpler and safer alternative is to use the OUTPUT clause of the UPDATE.

Here’s how :

DECLARE @UserIdTable TABLE ( Id INT );

SET    Verified     = 1
INTO   @UserIdTable
FROM   Logins
WHERE  EmailAddress = @EmailAddress


SET     State = 2 -- Verified
WHERE   Id = @UserId

In the above code sample I take advantage of the new declare and initialize syntax introduced in SQL Server 2008. The OUTPUT clause has been introduced in SQL Server 2005 so nothing here is really news.

Another simplification that I hoped it was possible was to avoid the declaration of the local table variable and just push the OUTPUT into the local variable (@UserId) but it seems you can’t.

I found out about the OUTPUT clause recently from Remus Rusanu’s blog post about implementing queues with tables. These have, usually, high concurrency and any race condition that might occur will occur. OUTPUT is usually the best way to solve it.

Prefix cast or as-cast?

I read today a nice article, from Kathleen Dollard, called To “as” or not to “as”. This is a pain-point for me on which I stumble often, so I decided to write this little rant.

I particularly liked a paragraph from the above-cited article :

One of the things that makes hard bugs hard is when there is a disconnect in time or space between the cause and the symptom. Time is time, space is lines of code, assembly placement, etc. Code can be written to minimize these disconnects. One of the ways to do that is to fail quickly. When application state becomes incorrect, yell about it immediately and rarely continue with the application in an invalid state. A null-reference exception at an unexpected time just makes code more difficult to debug.

I couldn’t express this as good as Kathleen did. Make no mistake I am quite biased in this comparison (direct-cast vs. as-cast). I kind of hate the abuse of the as operator.

Very often people turn to as instead of the direct (prefix) cast because:

  • They fear the InvalidCastException (strange, they don’t seem to fear the NullReferenceException)
  • They feel the syntax more fluent, closer to the human language.

I would consider the only valid case to use the as-cast is, just like Kathleen states, when a null value result is valid for the rest of the execution of the code. For the rest of the cases it’s just wrong.

This also promotes (doesn’t necessarily causes but promotes) bad practices like this :

public static void OnButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var button = sender as Button;
    if (button == null)
    if (button.Tag == &quot;somevalue&quot;)
        // do something
    // ...

In this example the event handler (which could be attached to more than one distinct button) simply forces under the rug a situation which would be abnormal (the sender not being a button) instead of releasing it so the developers could find it easier and debug it. A saner approach is :

public static void OnButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var button = (Button)sender;
    if (button.Tag == &quot;somevalue&quot;)
        // do something
    // ...

This brings me to another advantage of the prefix-cast : it produces shorter, clearer code.

In other cases the as abuse does more harm, hiding the source of a bug :

public void ProcessData(Entity entity)
    var person = entity as Person;
    // .. more code

public void UpdatePersonStatistics(Person person)
    // .. more code

public void NormalizeData(Person person)
    person.Name = person.Name.Substring(0, 50);
    person.Address = person.Address.Substring(0, 100);
    // .. more code

Of course this is a contrived example full of bad practices but for now let’s focus on the as usage. Suppose the ProcessData method receives an instance of Category by mistake. Since Category inherits Entity the compiler will not complain.

The result is that there will be a NullReferenceException two methods further, in the NormalizeData method. If the cast was done with a prefix cast the error was a little bit easier to spot. This is confusing two-fold :

  1. The name of the exception suggests that a null reference was somehow obtained but in fact a real instance of Category was passed, not a null
  2. The error does not originate from the NormalizeData code but from the caller of the ProcessData


Use as only if a null result of the conversion makes sense for the flow of the execution. Otherwise use prefix cast.